# 环形图和饼图
¥Doughnut and Pie Charts
¥Pie and doughnut charts are probably the most commonly used charts. They are divided into segments, the arc of each segment shows the proportional value of each piece of data.
¥They are excellent at showing the relational proportions between data.
饼图和圆环图实际上是 Chart.js 中的同一类,但具有不同的默认值 - their cutout
。这相当于应该切掉内部的哪一部分。饼图默认为 0
,环形图默认为 '50%'
¥Pie and doughnut charts are effectively the same class in Chart.js, but have one different default value - their cutout
. This equates to what portion of the inner should be cut out. This defaults to 0
for pie charts, and '50%'
for doughnuts.
它们也在 Chart
¥They are also registered under two aliases in the Chart
core. Other than their different default value, and different alias, they are exactly the same.
# 数据集属性
¥Dataset Properties
- 仅此数据集的选项¥
- options for this dataset onlyoptions.datasets.doughnut
- 所有环形图数据集的选项¥
- options for all doughnut datasetsoptions.datasets.pie
- 所有饼图数据集的选项¥
- options for all pie datasetsoptions.elements.arc
- 所有 圆弧元素 的选项¥
- options for all arc elementsoptions
- 整个图表的选项¥
- options for the whole chart
¥The doughnut/pie chart allows a number of properties to be specified for each dataset. These are used to set display properties for a specific dataset. For example, the colours of the dataset's arcs are generally set this way.
名称 | 类型 | 可编写脚本 | 可转位 | 默认 |
backgroundColor | Color | 是的 | 是的 | 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)' |
borderAlign | 'center' |'inner' | 是的 | 是的 | 'center' |
borderColor | Color | 是的 | 是的 | '#fff' |
borderDash | number[] | 是的 | * | [] |
borderDashOffset | number | 是的 | * | 0.0 |
borderJoinStyle | 'round' |'bevel' |'miter' | 是的 | 是的 | undefined |
borderRadius | number |object | 是的 | 是的 | 0 |
borderWidth | number | 是的 | 是的 | 2 |
circumference | number | * | * | undefined |
clip | number |object |false | * | * | undefined |
data | number[] | * | * | required |
hoverBackgroundColor | Color | 是的 | 是的 | undefined |
hoverBorderColor | Color | 是的 | 是的 | undefined |
hoverBorderDash | number[] | 是的 | * | undefined |
hoverBorderDashOffset | number | 是的 | * | undefined |
hoverBorderJoinStyle | 'round' |'bevel' |'miter' | 是的 | 是的 | undefined |
hoverBorderWidth | number | 是的 | 是的 | undefined |
hoverOffset | number | 是的 | 是的 | 0 |
offset | number |number[] | 是的 | 是的 | 0 |
rotation | number | * | * | undefined |
spacing | number | * | * | 0 |
weight | number | * | * | 1 |
所有这些值,如果 undefined
,回退到 选项决议 中描述的范围
¥All these values, if undefined
, fallback to the scopes described in option resolution
# 一般的
名称 | 描述 |
circumference | 弧覆盖的扫描的每个数据集覆盖 |
clip | 如何相对于 chartArea 进行裁剪。正值允许溢出,负值会限制 chartArea 内的许多像素。0 = 在图表区域剪辑。裁剪也可以每边配置:clip: {left: 5, top: false, right: -2, bottom: 0} |
rotation | 绘制弧的起始角度的每个数据集覆盖 |
# 样式
¥The style of each arc can be controlled with the following properties:
名称 | 描述 |
backgroundColor | 圆弧背景色。 |
borderColor | 弧形边框颜色。 |
borderDash | 圆弧边框长度和虚线间距。见 MDN (opens new window)。 |
borderDashOffset | 虚线的圆弧边界偏移量。见 MDN (opens new window)。 |
borderJoinStyle | 弧形边框连接样式。见 MDN (opens new window)。 |
borderWidth | 圆弧边框宽度(以像素为单位)。 |
offset | 弧偏移(以像素为单位)。 |
spacing | 固定弧偏移(以像素为单位)。与 offset 类似,但适用于所有弧。 |
weight | 数据集的相对厚度。提供权重值将导致饼图或环形图数据集的绘制厚度相对于所有数据集权重值的总和。 |
所有这些值,如果为 undefined
,则回退到关联的 elements.arc.*
¥All these values, if undefined
, fallback to the associated elements.arc.*
# 边框对齐
¥Border Alignment
¥The following values are supported for borderAlign
当设置 'center'
时,相邻圆弧的边界会重叠。当设置 'inner'
¥When 'center'
is set, the borders of arcs next to each other will overlap. When 'inner'
is set, it is guaranteed that all borders will not overlap.
# 边框半径
¥Border Radius
如果这个值是一个数字,它会应用于圆弧的所有角点(outerStart、outerEnd、innerStart、innerRight)。如果此值为对象,则 outerStart
属性定义外起点角的边界半径。同样,也可以指定 outerEnd
和 innerEnd
¥If this value is a number, it is applied to all corners of the arc (outerStart, outerEnd, innerStart, innerRight). If this value is an object, the outerStart
property defines the outer-start corner's border radius. Similarly, the outerEnd
, innerStart
, and innerEnd
properties can also be specified.
# 交互
¥The interaction with each arc can be controlled with the following properties:
名称 | 描述 |
hoverBackgroundColor | 悬停时的弧形背景颜色。 |
hoverBorderColor | 悬停时的弧形边框颜色。 |
hoverBorderDash | 悬停时弧形边框长度和虚线间距。见 MDN (opens new window)。 |
hoverBorderDashOffset | 悬停时虚线的圆弧边界偏移。见 MDN (opens new window)。 |
hoverBorderJoinStyle | 悬停时弧形边框连接样式。见 MDN (opens new window)。 |
hoverBorderWidth | 悬停时的弧形边框宽度(以像素为单位)。 |
hoverOffset | 悬停时的弧偏移(以像素为单位)。 |
所有这些值,如果为 undefined
,则回退到关联的 elements.arc.*
¥All these values, if undefined
, fallback to the associated elements.arc.*
# 配置选项
¥Config Options
¥These are the customisation options specific to Pie & Doughnut charts. These options are looked up on access, and form together with the global chart configuration the options of the chart.
名称 | 类型 | 默认 | 描述 |
cutout | number |string | 50% - for doughnut, 0 - for pie | 从中间切出的图表部分。如果 string 并以 '%' 结尾,则为图表半径的百分比。number 被认为是像素。 |
radius | number |string | 100% | 图表的外半径。如果 string 并以 '%' 结尾,则为最大半径的百分比。number 被认为是像素。 |
rotation | number | 0 | 绘制圆弧的起始角度。 |
circumference | number | 360 | 扫描以允许弧覆盖。 |
animation.animateRotate | boolean | true | 如果为真,图表将以旋转动画的形式渲染。此属性位于 options.animation 对象中。 |
animation.animateScale | boolean | false | 如果为真,将以动画方式从中心向外缩放图表。 |
# 默认选项
¥Default Options
我们还可以为创建的每个 Donut 类型更改这些默认值,该对象在 Chart.overrides.doughnut
可用。饼图也有这些默认值的克隆,可以在 Chart.overrides.pie
处更改,唯一的区别是 cutout
设置为 0。
¥We can also change these default values for each Doughnut type that is created, this object is available at Chart.overrides.doughnut
. Pie charts also have a clone of these defaults available to change at Chart.overrides.pie
, with the only difference being cutout
being set to 0.
# 数据结构
¥Data Structure
对于饼图,数据集需要包含一个数据点数组。数据点应该是一个数字,Chart.js 将计算所有数字的总和并计算每个数字的相对比例。
¥For a pie chart, datasets need to contain an array of data points. The data points should be a number, Chart.js will total all the numbers and calculate the relative proportion of each.
¥You also need to specify an array of labels so that tooltips appear correctly.
data = {
datasets: [{
data: [10, 20, 30]
// These labels appear in the legend and in the tooltips when hovering different arcs
labels: [